We want to share our nightlife with you. We went four times on the beach during night expecting to see turtles.

Why ? When turtles lay eggs on the beach, we need to take the eggs and remove them to another nest that we create (with exactly the same characteristics).
In fact, if we don't do that, the eggs will be taken by poachers. It is really easy for them because turtles make tracks in the sand so they just have to follow them to find the nest and then the eggs. That's why we create a nest elsewhere without any tracks !
When we see a turtle, we also note lots of characteristics about it : measures, number of eggs, time spent on the beach...
During our first nights, we did not find any turtle but we encountered a very rich wildlife including fireflies, glowing plankton and even an anteater !
After four monitorings we have eventually found our first turtle !

It was a "Lora" turtle, measuring about 65 cm.
She laid 117 eggs in the sand. We removed them and put them in a safe nest. It was very exciting and we expect to see more turtles !