Good morning Tortuga Family !
Here she is ! We finally saw our first green turtle last night !
And what a turtle : with a shell of one meter long, smooth scales and lots of seashells on it ; it was probably a very old turtle ! Old and stubborn ! Let's see why !

We met « Granny turtle » just after we arrived on the beach. Our friend Anna, a young Panamanian who is studying biology, heard the noise of the turtle doing its nest ! The turtle was far from the water. In fact, whereas the Olive Ridley sea turtles usually make their nest in the middle of the beach, green turtles lay their eggs under the vegetation so that the nest can be in the shadow and hidden.
But this is not the only characteristic of green turtles : they like when the nest is perfect, without any roots. Orelse, they go back to the water, keeping their eggs and waiting for another night to find a better place to dig. And « Granny turtle » really showed that to us : after having spent more than two hours on the beach and done 6 nests, she decided to go back to the sea without laying her eggs. What a disappointment for us ! We are not sure that when she will come back, we will be here to protect its eggs.