The third team : from April 2017 to July 2017
Kyrian Medjkal

Kyrian really knows the turtles ! After five months of internship in Martinique and years of diving, he has developed a great deal of experience in dealing with marine life !
Naturally creative, Kyrian will know how to share his passion for the sea with children, and will do everything to share his knowledge with them !

Camille was born in the countryside, so she knows everything about animals ! Protection of the environment is of key importance to her !
Camille has several years experience passing on her knowledge, tutoring children and her experience will be invaluable in imparting her knowledge.
Camille Levarlet
Antoine Daulton

Even if Antoine comes from Paris, he is a nature lover.
Thanks to him, you will live every moments of our trip as if you were here !
He is the technical leader and the manager of this operation "rescue the turtles" !
The second team : from September to december 2016

Myriam Latrille
Myriam, 21 years old, has been monitoring Scout camps for three years, looking for 8 to 12 years old children in Montpellier. The organization and pedagogy are her strengths and her smile and her humor remain foolproof ! Her taste for painting and arts allow us to make funnier classes to pupils.

Clémence Gross
Clémence, 20 years old, is full of motivation and energy to carry on the project ! She has been studying environment and ecology, and has been playing music for 10 years. It will provide her good tools to make the courses more attractive.
Garance Polle
Garance, 21 years old is serene, patient and never stressed. She feels really concerned about the protection of the earth for the future generations . And the best way to achieve this is education! After six months in Chile as part of an academic mobility , her Spanish is almost perfect !
The first team : From March to July 2016

Marguerite Dorangeon
Marguerite had the opportunity to develop her logistic and relational skills through her commitment in various student assiciations. Among other functions, she was vice-president of the Caribaret, organizing a great event for all the promotions of AgroParisTech students in a theatre in Paris. Her major asset: she has lived for 8 months in Spanish-speaking countries this year. Thanks to her fluent Spanish, her cultural openness and her big smile, we will have no problem in our relationships with the schools! Her job: contact schools and plan our classes

Apolline Abauzit
Apolline is the incarnation of optimism and energy! Her last internship in a French start up gave her the opportunity to discover her interest in entrepreneurship. She has lots of ideas now. And this is a good thing, because we will need it! Her job will be to organize the classes and school expeditions with the pupils. With her very high level of Spanish, she has got everything to carry out her mission!

Marc Chassais
Marc is the kind of guy that has been on 4 continents in 1 year, a great traveller! But he is also thorough in his work! He will be in charge of the communication, taking you on the journey with us through his photos, videos and travel diary. Thanks to him you will be able to follow our advances and meetings. His sense of humor and his joy of life will also be our greatest allies!